25 Amazing Root Chakra Affirmations For Grounding

 Have you felt overcome with negativity and instability but can't figure out why? A Root Chakra blockage is pretty likely to be the cause... Read on as we delve into '25 Amazing Root Chakra Affirmations For Grounding'.

The good news is, with a little time and dedication, it's an easy fix. Read on for our definitive list of the very best affirmations for Root Chakra alignment. 100% guaranteed to help you reclaim the stability and happiness that is your birthright.

“When we develop the heart chakra, we begin to influence the surroundings with our spiritual presence.
When we develop the communication chakra, we begin to influence the country with our spiritual presence.
And when we develop the seventh chakra, we begin to influence the world with our spiritual presence without doing anything.”
~ Swami Dhyan Giten


What is the Root Chakra?

The Root Chakra, or 'Muldahara' in Sanskrit, is one of the seven aligning energy centres that place down the spine - The Root Chakra is at the base. These seven energy centres dictate different aspects of our lives, personalities, actions, and feelings. Developing in our early years, the Root Chakra is responsible for grounding us and providing us with a solid foundation for life.
When our Root Chakra is off balance it greatly impacts our sense of stability, resilience, and earthly connection. When functioning correctly, the Root Chakra gives us the inner strength to overcome life's greatest challenges and the instinct to be in nature. It truly is the Chakra for embracing our inner wildness.

What are Root Chakra Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive sentences/phrases that are repeated aloud, written down, or thought. Affirmations reinforce the inspiring message, allowing you to truly believe and feel what is being said. Repeated over and over, affirmations eliminate negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones.

Root Chakra affirmations are mantras that align the Root Chakra, with an emphasis on grounding, connection with the earth, and emotional and mental security.
When the Root Chakra is strong, it gives us a sense of balance, peace, and security, so it is incredibly important that we keep it functioning at all times. Additionally, the Root Chakra, being the first to form, impacts the health of the other six Chakras, which is why it is often referred to as the 'base Chakra' or the 'foundation Chakra'.

How to Use Root Chakra Affirmations

You can practice your Root Chakra affirmations anywhere and everywhere.
When I want to intense connection to my words, I like to repeat my affirmations in the mirror. This allows me to look into my own eyes and talk to my physical being. However, this can be quite difficult sometimes, especially when just starting off. Other times/ways to practice your Root Chakra affirmations include:
  1. During meditation
  2. When in bed or relaxing
  3. When a sudden wave of negativity takes over
  4. When on a walk or hike
  5. In the car
  6. On your way to a new job or school
  7. When times are uncertain

Burning incense is also a great way to align the Root Chakra - we like to burn certain scents and repeat affirmations for maximum effect. We have created an article on the 'Best Incense For Root Chakra Cleansing & Balancing' - Click here to learn more.

Every man is the builder of a Temple called his body, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead.
-Henry David Thoreau

25 Amazing Root Chakra Affirmations For Grounding

Follow your positive thoughts and see if you can find your own personal, positive Root Chakra affirmations. However, it can be difficult. So if you are struggling here are a few of our favourite Root Chakra affirmations:

    • I live in abundance.
    • Happiness and respect are my birthrights.
    • I am worthy.
    • I have a deep connection to the Earth.
    • I live in constant gratitude,
    • I am healthy.
    • I have love.
    • I trust the Universe to guide me.
    • I overcome life's obstacles and learn from them.
    • I have deep roots.
    • I have a connection with all living things
    • I am safe.
    • I possess everything I need.
    • I am capable of achieving all that I desire.
    • My root chakra is clear and balanced.
    • I will succeed.
    • I have triumphed over despair.
    • I am grounded.
    • I am where I am supposed to be.
    • I attract positivity into my life.
    • I am at peace.
    • I am given what I need at the right moment.
    • I remain rooted through times of chaos.
    • I have the support of the Universe.
    • I control my life.

The Bottom Line

The Root Chakra is responsible for our sense of stability and foundation and when imbalanced can result in low self-esteem and feelings of pessimism. Not to mention, if our Root Chakra is out of whack, our other Chakras are likely to follow. This is why it is so important that we take care of it and if we do, we will regain our sense of belonging, and live life as confidently and comfortably as we were destined to.

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