Jasmine is so much more than a delicate looking flower, it has a whole raft of conjuring benefits backed by science and the holistic world. This said, join us as we dive into the very best of Jasmine incense benefits...
The significance of Jasmine spans across many ancient civilisations and growing cultures throughout history. Jasmine has been highly valued for its oil, petals, perfume, incense, and tea, and this prominence continues into the modern day, especially within the aromatic world.
The evolution of Jasmine, combined with an increase in knowledge, has led many holistic and spiritual teachers to incorporate Jasmine incense into their daily practices.
So, what could be the reason behind the popularity of Jasmine? Could it be solely due to its delightful fragrance, or are there inherent healing properties embedded within its essence? Read on to learn more.
What is Jasmine Incense?
Firstly, what is Incense?
Incense refers to aromatic materials, usually plant life, burnt to create a pleasant fragrance. It is also a commonly used tool to enhance spirituality, provide holistic healing, and reduce anxiety. There are many types of incense - each type has its own history and unique benefits.
Incense has been a significant element in numerous ancient and contemporary religious traditions, particularly in ceremonies and rituals, with origins dating back at least 7000 years. Major religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity view incense as symbolic, representing connection, offerings, and enlightenment.
In ancient times, particularly in Egypt and Rome, people would burn plants, resins, and oils to fumigate temples and cities, invoking strong spiritual protection. Our ancestors had deep knowledge and understanding of the spiritual world, which continues to influence our lives today.
So, what is Jasmine Incense?
Jasmine incense comes in various forms, with the most popular being sticks, cones, and coils, although our preferred choice is natural incense.
Natural incense involves burning plants and their petals, stems, leaves, resins, and essential oils, commonly on a ceramic oil warmer. It is one of the most authentic and ancient methods of incense burning in modern times. Natural Jasmine incense consists of burning the flower itself, its whorls (parts), and/or its essential oil. To delve deeper into the world of natural incense, click here.
Imbued with a charming fragrance and energy-healing properties, Jasmine incense is a popular choice for spiritual connection and cleansing rituals. However, its benefits extends far beyond these uses, and we're excited to share more with you. But first, what exactly does Jasmine incense smell like?
What Does Jasmine Incense Smell Like?
Surprisingly, Jasmine is a member of the olive family, though its fragrance is far from the tangy, oily olives that spring to mind.
Jasmine plants usually thrive in tropical environments, but there are many different varieties of Jasmine, each adapted to its climate. The most commonly used Jasmine species for incense are those from the Himalayas and Japan.
The fragrance of Jasmine incense is best described as floral and light, with sweet and wild notes. Some describe the aroma as redolent, rekindling memories of sunny days spent in grassy meadows or woodland. I find it to be both delicate and earthy, similar to Lavender.
Himalayan Jasmine produces more of a sweet and floral aroma, while the Japanese variety is more light and delicate.
Our Top 7 Jasmine Incense Benefits
Read on as we dive into are our top 7 favourite Jasmine incense benefits...
1. Stress Relieving

Burning Jasmine incense can naturally soothe the mind and body, which can be substantial in relieving stress-related symptoms caused by the chaos of modern living. As a non-pharmaceutical intervention, Jasmine essential oil has a successful track record and is clinically proven to uplift moods and reduce depression.
Many spiritual-type teachers burn Jasmine within their practices to help encourage a relaxing and somewhat detoxing environment. It is often described as the perfect meditational aroma, popular within yoga, reiki, sound baths, and spa treatments.
2. Encourages Restful Sleep

The tranquil properties enriched within the Jasmine flower's DNA make it an effective sedative, much like Lavender and Chamomile. This being said, burning Jasmine incense before going to sleep can help to cleanse the mind from distracting and persistent thoughts, relax energy, promote healthy, positive dreaming, and leave you feeling cosy, tired, and ready for the night ahead.
We recommend burning your incense around an hour before you want to go to sleep. And be sure to extinguish it before getting into bed.
3. Natural Antiseptic
Jasmine oil is proven to be naturally antibacterial. Throughout history, Jasmine essential oil has been significant in various medicinal systems - traditional ancient Chinese medicine included Jasmine oil as one of their natural antiseptic herbs.
Jasmine is a commonly found ingredient in skin creams, supplements, herbal teas, and cleaning products, largely down to its ability to remove harmful bacteria on surfaces, distinguish unpleasant odours, and clean wounds. Natural Jasmine incense, though evidence is unsubstantial, can distribute Jasmine's antibacterial properties into the surrounding air.
In ancient China, they would rid the air of any pollutants and harmful bacteria by burning Jasmine incense. Other ancient civilisations would wear Jasmine oil on their skin to keep them safe and cleansed.
4. Aligns The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra, or 'Anahata' in Sanskrit, is responsible for our relationship with one's self and those around us. A balanced Heart Chakra dictates our sense of loving, emotion, confidence, sensuality, and compassion, so when it is unbalanced, you may feel a strain on your surrounding relationships and sexual libido.
If your Heart Chakra is out of alignment, try burning love-enhancing scents such as Jasmine or Rose. Jasmine's conjured sweet and floral essence can break through those significant Heart Chakra walls, such as fear of commitment, fear of love, self-insecurity, and lack of sympathy.
5. Improves Libido

Jasmine works magic for a bruised libido, naturally igniting passion and romance through its sultry sent and Heart Chakra balancing qualities. Jasmine can be used in many ways to improve libido, examples being massage oil, incense, or even as a food additive. Each example can help you embrace feelings of lust and true sexual confidence.
Not only is Jasmine a great aphrodisiac, but it is also proven to ease menstrual cramping. Our blood pressure is lowered when we are present to the aroma of Jasmine. It meets the senses and central nervous system, helping to ease muscle tension and ultimately reducing the cramping sensation.
6. Promotes Spiritual Connections

Jasmine incense has a profound significance within the spiritual community, dating back centuries to ancient living and the earliest religions.
Jasmine incense was, and still is, used by many of the world's most followed religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity. In India, bunches of Jasmine flowers are traditionally offered to bystanders outside of temples, seen as respect and offering to their Gods. This truly gives testament to the sacredness of Jasmine.
'The invoking smoke created by Jasmine incense acts as a messenger between our world and the divine. It carries the sentiments of prayer up to the higher realms, connecting us with spirits and divine energy.'
7. Natural Insect Repellant

Much like Citronella, Lemongrass, and Lavender, Jasmine is very effective in
repelling pests, especially ideal for those humid, midget heightened summer evenings.
Mosquitos and flies especially hate the scent of burning Jasmine incense, so much so that ancient societies in the tropics burned it to eliminate the chance of disease outbreaks. These include Dengue Fever and Malaria.
How to Use Jasmine Incense
Here, we give you our preferred method for burning natural Jasmine incense, to attract love, sensuality, relaxation, and powerful spiritual energy.
But before you begin:
Remove pets & children from the room: Pets and children can be sensitive to incense fumes, so, we always like to take a 'better safe than sorry' approach. So we have our babies (fur and human) leave the room before we
light incense.
Chose a spacious environment: It doesn't have to be the size of a football pitch, however, make sure the room you burn your incense in is somewhat spacious with good ventilation.
Remove flammable items: It is important to remove anything that could catch a flame. Check what you are wearing: long sleeves and hand jewellery should be removed.
Natural incense: Sticks, cones, and coils contain toxic chemicals, so we always opt for incense that contains ingredients readily found in nature. Natural incense is a combination of botanicals, essential oils, and resin, all naturally sourced ingredients.
NOTE: You should not use incense if you have a preexisting respiratory condition. Please review the safety advice on the product you have purchased.
How to Use Jasmine Incense to Attract Love
Now that we have the safety section covered, let's get into the fun bit... Here's how to burn Jasmine incense to attract love.
Find a comfortable space
Ideally somewhere with ambient temperature and warm lighting. We find the beautiful orange glow emitted by a Himalayan salt lamp to be a sensual, soothing ambience. However, what we find comfortable may be different to what you do!
Light your incense
Make sure your incense is safely placed onto a heatproof surface. For more information on how to burn natural incense, CLICK HERE.
Enter a state of relaxation
Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Focus on the life-giving air entering and exiting your lungs.
Repeat affirmations to attract love... For example: "I am worthy of infinite love" and "I naturally attract passion and beauty into my life".
People Also Ask
Does Jasmine Incense Have Side Effects?
The short answer is yes, however, rarely. See below for a detailed overview of the known side effects of Jasmine Incense.
Pregnant women should limit the use of incense (especially incense sticks, cones, and coils) or, if possible, stop completely. This is because Jasmine has been known to induce premature contractions in some pregnant women.
It is also unsafe to be frequently around burning wood when pregnant. This is because it can have negative effects on the baby. Women exposed to persistent burning wood fumes are
more likely to have a premature birth.
Jasmine contains caffeine. People who are particularly sensitive to caffeine should not use Jasmine incense. But don't worry, many more scents can give you an improved focus without caffeine.
Instead, try lighting Ginger incense for a fresh, citrusy boost. Vanilla is also great for enhancing focus and creativity, and smells delicious!
We probably don't need to tell you that children and fire don't mix, but as well as that, children are more sensitive to burning scents than adults. As such, it is best to avoid burning Jasmine incense around children, especially babies and toddlers!
Animals can be very sensitive to smoke of all kinds. Cats in particular are more susceptible to asthma and other respiratory illnesses, however, dogs can also have a nasty reaction to incense. Other animals such as reptiles, small rodents, and birds should avoid incense smoke also.
Our policy is to ensure our pets are out of the room before using incense.
Why Does Jasmine Incense Help Me Sleep?
Jasmine has been shown to promote sleep in
multiple studies. So how does Jasmine incense help you sleep?
Well, it all has to do with the way our brains process smell. When we breathe in the fragrance of Jasmine, it triggers the release of certain chemicals in our brains that are associated with relaxation and
stress relief. This can help to ease us into a more restful state, making it easier to fall asleep.
The Bottom Line
Life can be filled with nerves and anxiety, health issues, and insecurities. Thankfully, there is a huge range of Jasmine incense benefits that are perfect for taking the edge off. Great for the bedroom (sex and sleep!), for work, and for leisure time. There's not much this incense can't do!